
Dec 13, 2012  DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. Shimeji Help! Forums Technology General Nerdiness. The Shimeji has finally started doing things like crawling on the ground like a worm and crawling on the underside of a. Jul 26, 2013  I've been trying to use my Shimeji using both Winrar and Winzip. I always make sure I change the file names under conf. So I know that isn't my problem. I've tried opening them through the shimeji application, in which case it gives me a Japanese error, and through the shimeji Jar file, in which case it tells me that it could not find the main class: com.groupfinity.mascot.main.

  2. For people who want a more reliable way to follow Undertale shimeji news, go to this tumblr blog: http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/
  3. If anyone finds new Undertale shimejis, go to the blog linked above, and send me it as a submission. If you're not the creator, make sure to credit the original artist if possible.
  4. Also, make sure to start the shimejis with the 'Shimeji-ee.jar' file and NOT the 'Shimeji-ee.bat' or 'Shimeji-ee.exe' files.
  5. One more note: If a certain shimeji doesn't come in your OS, you can try one of the other versions, just know that if it doesn't work I can't help you.
  6. Q&A/Troubleshooting:
  7. Q: What is a shimeji?
  8. A: It's a little desktop mascot that runs around your computer screen, and occasionally throws windows off the screen and multiplies (If you have a mischievous version installed)
  9. They a named after a type of Japanese mushroom that multiplies rapidly, as these tend to do.
  10. Q: The shimeji won't show up!
  11. A: Make sure you're using the correct type for your OS. If you have Windows 7/8 and a 64bit operating system, follow this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuZZLCSinMk
  12. Even if you're on Windows 10, you might want to follow that guide anyway if it doesn't work.
  13. Make sure to have the latest version of Java installed on your computer.
  14. If you've followed these instructions and it still doesn't show up, that shimeji probably wasn't intended for your OS.
  15. Q: I want to make a shimeji!
  16. A: Well, what you want to do is download a copy of a shimeji you know works, and just draw all the necessary images using the existing ones as templates (make sure to name them correctly, look at the ones currently in the folder for reference) and once you are done, you have your shimeji. Here is a more in-depth guide (Sorry for the cringey dialogue in advance): http://builderofworlds.deviantart.com/art/TUTORIAL-Making-Shimeji-215921992
  17. Q: My shimeji isn't doing anything/keeps throwing my windows around or multiplying too much!
  18. A: See the 'How to Alter a Shimeji's Properties' tutorial.
  19. Q: My shimeji isn't climbing on windows!
  20. A: This is a problem I still have myself, but here is a sort of temporary fix I use: Go here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9whyp5v5xz13csp/Shimeji-ee.jar download it and replace your current jar file in the folder with this one. Then, make a new text file in the shimeji folder titled 'windows.txt' and put this into it (as it is formatted): https://code.google.com/p/shimeji-ee/issues/attachmentText?id=26&aid=260002000&name=windows.txt&token=ABZ6GAfUlVe4qkvO51OStf-NjNUykfHczQ%3A1448316146396
  21. Save, boot up your shimeji, and it should be working (somewhat, it's still really picky)
  22. Q: What are these 'Mischievous' and 'Calm' versions/what do you mean by 'Both'?
  23. A: Calm shimejis don't multiply or throw windows, mischievous ones do. When I say both, I mean that it's a zip file with both types in it.
  24. Q: I have a shimeji I want added to the database!
  25. A: Go to this blog (http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/) and send it to me as a submission! If the original creator isn't you, make sure to link back to them if you can.
  26. Q: My question isn't on here!
  27. A: Sorry, I'll try my best to keep this updated, but no promises.
  28. Masterlist:
  29. Asriel:
  30. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9693xc
  31. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/2zono4ot68z1zrm/Calm_Asriel_Shimeji.rar (Calm)
  32. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/g5x1950kiz5n0iv/Asriel+buddy.7z (Mischievous)
  33. - https://github.com/lamialily/linux-shimeji (Linux)
  34. Preview: http://i.imgur.com/OUZW6mK.png
  35. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/wz5y1eaj9397v6h/Asriel_Shimeji-ee2.rar (Both included)
  36. Napstablook (Win 7/8/10):
  37. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftdzafim4sp3ls7/Blooky%20Shimeji.rar?dl=0 (Mischievous)
  38. http://www.mediafire.com/download/34p33pnz1yn2izh/BlookyCalm.rar (Calm)
  39. Happstablook (Win 7/8/10):
  40. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2f5mnq0xwd2v4mp/Happstablook%20Shimeji.rar?dl=0 (Mischievous)
  41. http://www.mediafire.com/download/p4kh15jrjp652p7/HappstaCalm.rar (Calm)
  42. Sans
  43. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694ca
  44. http://www.mediafire.com/download/76xtyaxudueax2v/SansUpdated%28Both%29.rar (Mischievous & Semi-Calm, Multiplies itself to 10)
  45. http://www.mediafire.com/download/8rmppj5041oe6ak/Shimeji+-+Calm.rar (Calm)
  46. http://www.mediafire.com/download/5c867fl27f65ueo/Shimeji+-+Mac.zip (Mac ver, Mischievous, Japanese UI)
  47. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9853gg
  48. http://www.mediafire.com/download/81vmu4zuolemz4u/LazySans.rar (Doesn’t move, one version)
  49. Preview: 36.media.tumblr.com/6423aefbd773de0f8f32b2b6ee7c83d9/tumblr_inline_nza2q43ItM1tfmrr4_500.png
  50. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/h66nqj6n1ywr3d6/Sans.rar
  51. Mettaton EX
  52. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694h5
  53. http://www.mediafire.com/download/3adpha18os7yiuk/MettatonEX%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  54. Preview: http://puu.sh/lEWhf/ccb9122734.png
  55. http://www.mediafire.com/download/57k860ikq0hyk89/MTT-Brand+Shimeji.rar (Both included)
  56. Frisk:
  57. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694l0
  58. http://www.mediafire.com/download/q22o2cm7cvzg1u5/Frisk%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  59. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694oy
  60. http://www.mediafire.com/download/jc6g3nn391qxcqm/Frisk2%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  61. Preview: 40.media.tumblr.com/e62bdd8c6a56d85b44ca3127bea8d714/tumblr_inline_nyytwbADGk1tsrwyv_250.png
  62. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/f55n6iti2dc0w1c/Frisk+Shimjeji.rar (Both included)
  63. Gaster (Win 7/8/10):
  64. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694t7
  65. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/slfs6kh95jrkbrn/GasterFixed%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Win 7/8)
  66. Preview: http://40.media.tumblr.com/57fc86cd27e2f52cc107087d9bf0fa50/tumblr_nyo733GgKx1s6qim3o1_250.png
  67. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/cxc8ecmccdcvojn/Gaster2%28Both%29.zip (Both included)
  68. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/3h8xb1nf7bz1gqy/PreCoreGaster.zip (Both included)
  69. Chara (Win 7/8):
  70. http://www.mediafire.com/download/c54z3tcf1b8hken/Chara%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Black eyed and red eyed version)
  71. Flowey:
  72. Preview: http://i.imgur.com/BOqFfE7.png
  73. http://www.mediafire.com/download/k7gqye2miq8q86m/FloweyFixed%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Version with knife and without)
  74. Preview: http://imgur.com/oxgmzR8.png
  75. http://www.mediafire.com/download/wcs4pwyfedj7sx8/Flowey%232%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  76. Papyrus (Win 7/8):
  77. http://www.mediafire.com/download/lxptc9aba4a8znd/Papyrus+by+Michiroon%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  78. Toriel (Win 7/8):
  79. Preview: http://orig10.deviantart.net/66b9/f/2015/328/e/8/8504bf2fabc3792a243a97b6c20d3a8a_by_tremendous_by_design-d9hxjil.gif
  80. http://www.mediafire.com/download/vuae02a19g7td1c/Toriel%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  81. Undyne (Win 7/8):
  82. http://www.mediafire.com/download/g8ifbla574ablsb/Undyne.rar (Both included)
  83. Temmie (Win 7/8):
  84. http://www.mediafire.com/download/95aula9bo1kob4b/Temmie.rar (Both included)
  85. Mettaton (Box) (Win 7/8, Mac):
  86. http://www.mediafire.com/download/h76v2cb4z9lzh16/BoxMettaton.rar (Both Included)
  87. Muffet (Win 7/8):
  88. http://www.mediafire.com/download/yxuj56uk4gdkoeu/Muffet.rar (Both included)
  89. Grillby (Win 7/8):
  90. http://www.mediafire.com/download/0lhvqsao0svnr8c/Grillby_PC.zip
  91. Asgore (Win 7/8):
  92. http://www.mediafire.com/download/vjtjwoy4wwweo4g/Asgore.rar (Both included)
  93. Mad Dummy (Win 7/8):
  94. Preview: http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/image/136275844581
  95. http://www.mediafire.com/download/hn58oxbtcwafbla/mad+dummy+shimeji.rar (Both included)
  96. Shimejis in Development:
  97. Mettaton EX:
  98. http://marionecto.tumblr.com/post/133853749629/and-here-we-go-49-of-53-frames-but-i-suppose (EST Completion Date: 12/25/15)
  99. http://mettatons-of-puns.tumblr.com/post/132837683630/mettaton-chibi-im-actually-trying-to-turn-this (EST Completion Date: Unknown)
  100. Mettaton NEO:
  101. http://marionecto.tumblr.com/post/133854036554/next-project-mettaton-neo-shimeji (EST Completion Date: 12/25/15)
  102. Tutorials:
  103. How to Alter a Shimeji's Behaviors: http://pastebin.com/9y5kv7dq
  104. How to Change a Shimeji's Walking Speed and Cycle Speed: http://pastebin.com/XZ9wvsYL
  105. Shimeji-ee '/conf' Tutorial (In depth guide on action and behavior.xml files): http://pastebin.com/8xAHiRkQ


Archived from on 22 April 2012. Socks client download. The most similar Pluggable Transport to Shadowsocks is Obfs3.See also. Unlike Obfs4, Shadowsocks is not resistant to.



My gift to you guys, tonight! A Snake!England Shimeji! He’s not perfect, but I’m happy with him and ready to share you with him!


Installation Instructions:

Once downloaded, open the file that is labeled conf and find the two files named 42.4 and 9.91

Rename 42.4 to 動作

Rename 9.91 to 行動

Shimeji-ee (Big thanks to Flusterbob!)

This one gave me the most trouble to work, to be honest. we spent a good hour trying to work it. Finally, however we got it to work. This particular Shimeji has an English Tool Bar and more option, such as a ‘kuro’ version of him (he’s a meanie) I cannot guarantee this one will work perfectly!

Flusterbob’s Version

Owyn’s Version

For my version you’ll need to open up the File and open the Windows Batch File (named Shimeji-ee) and past this into it:

start Quiet.exe “C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava” -classpath Shimeji-ee.jar -Xmx1000m com.group_finity.mascot.Main -Djava.util.logging.config.file=./conf/logging.properties

Unfortunately, you’ll need to enter this every time in order for him to work, but it’s worth it! I’ve included this in the filed named Owyn’s Notes

For additional Shimeji-ee help, refer to this journal here!

Your little snake buddy with be ready for fun immediately after following these instructions! Have fun with him! And be careful, he likes to run off with browsers!


It has come to my attention that Shimeji will not work properly on your computers. Please refer to this tutorial to have your shimeiji work! For the Shimeiji-ee, I cannot find any Mac Versions, but if you do, please share!

Now New and Improved downloading! I cannot make a .rar file, but if someone can do it tell me and I’ll add it here!


Dec 13, 2012  DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. Shimeji Help! Forums Technology General Nerdiness. The Shimeji has finally started doing things like crawling on the ground like a worm and crawling on the underside of a. Jul 26, 2013  I've been trying to use my Shimeji using both Winrar and Winzip. I always make sure I change the file names under conf. So I know that isn't my problem. I've tried opening them through the shimeji application, in which case it gives me a Japanese error, and through the shimeji Jar file, in which case it tells me that it could not find the main class: com.groupfinity.mascot.main.

  2. For people who want a more reliable way to follow Undertale shimeji news, go to this tumblr blog: http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/
  3. If anyone finds new Undertale shimejis, go to the blog linked above, and send me it as a submission. If you're not the creator, make sure to credit the original artist if possible.
  4. Also, make sure to start the shimejis with the 'Shimeji-ee.jar' file and NOT the 'Shimeji-ee.bat' or 'Shimeji-ee.exe' files.
  5. One more note: If a certain shimeji doesn't come in your OS, you can try one of the other versions, just know that if it doesn't work I can't help you.
  6. Q&A/Troubleshooting:
  7. Q: What is a shimeji?
  8. A: It's a little desktop mascot that runs around your computer screen, and occasionally throws windows off the screen and multiplies (If you have a mischievous version installed)
  9. They a named after a type of Japanese mushroom that multiplies rapidly, as these tend to do.
  10. Q: The shimeji won't show up!
  11. A: Make sure you're using the correct type for your OS. If you have Windows 7/8 and a 64bit operating system, follow this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuZZLCSinMk
  12. Even if you're on Windows 10, you might want to follow that guide anyway if it doesn't work.
  13. Make sure to have the latest version of Java installed on your computer.
  14. If you've followed these instructions and it still doesn't show up, that shimeji probably wasn't intended for your OS.
  15. Q: I want to make a shimeji!
  16. A: Well, what you want to do is download a copy of a shimeji you know works, and just draw all the necessary images using the existing ones as templates (make sure to name them correctly, look at the ones currently in the folder for reference) and once you are done, you have your shimeji. Here is a more in-depth guide (Sorry for the cringey dialogue in advance): http://builderofworlds.deviantart.com/art/TUTORIAL-Making-Shimeji-215921992
  17. Q: My shimeji isn't doing anything/keeps throwing my windows around or multiplying too much!
  18. A: See the 'How to Alter a Shimeji's Properties' tutorial.
  19. Q: My shimeji isn't climbing on windows!
  20. A: This is a problem I still have myself, but here is a sort of temporary fix I use: Go here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9whyp5v5xz13csp/Shimeji-ee.jar download it and replace your current jar file in the folder with this one. Then, make a new text file in the shimeji folder titled 'windows.txt' and put this into it (as it is formatted): https://code.google.com/p/shimeji-ee/issues/attachmentText?id=26&aid=260002000&name=windows.txt&token=ABZ6GAfUlVe4qkvO51OStf-NjNUykfHczQ%3A1448316146396
  21. Save, boot up your shimeji, and it should be working (somewhat, it's still really picky)
  22. Q: What are these 'Mischievous' and 'Calm' versions/what do you mean by 'Both'?
  23. A: Calm shimejis don't multiply or throw windows, mischievous ones do. When I say both, I mean that it's a zip file with both types in it.
  24. Q: I have a shimeji I want added to the database!
  25. A: Go to this blog (http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/) and send it to me as a submission! If the original creator isn't you, make sure to link back to them if you can.
  26. Q: My question isn't on here!
  27. A: Sorry, I'll try my best to keep this updated, but no promises.
  28. Masterlist:
  29. Asriel:
  30. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9693xc
  31. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/2zono4ot68z1zrm/Calm_Asriel_Shimeji.rar (Calm)
  32. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/g5x1950kiz5n0iv/Asriel+buddy.7z (Mischievous)
  33. - https://github.com/lamialily/linux-shimeji (Linux)
  34. Preview: http://i.imgur.com/OUZW6mK.png
  35. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/wz5y1eaj9397v6h/Asriel_Shimeji-ee2.rar (Both included)
  36. Napstablook (Win 7/8/10):
  37. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftdzafim4sp3ls7/Blooky%20Shimeji.rar?dl=0 (Mischievous)
  38. http://www.mediafire.com/download/34p33pnz1yn2izh/BlookyCalm.rar (Calm)
  39. Happstablook (Win 7/8/10):
  40. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2f5mnq0xwd2v4mp/Happstablook%20Shimeji.rar?dl=0 (Mischievous)
  41. http://www.mediafire.com/download/p4kh15jrjp652p7/HappstaCalm.rar (Calm)
  42. Sans
  43. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694ca
  44. http://www.mediafire.com/download/76xtyaxudueax2v/SansUpdated%28Both%29.rar (Mischievous & Semi-Calm, Multiplies itself to 10)
  45. http://www.mediafire.com/download/8rmppj5041oe6ak/Shimeji+-+Calm.rar (Calm)
  46. http://www.mediafire.com/download/5c867fl27f65ueo/Shimeji+-+Mac.zip (Mac ver, Mischievous, Japanese UI)
  47. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9853gg
  48. http://www.mediafire.com/download/81vmu4zuolemz4u/LazySans.rar (Doesn’t move, one version)
  49. Preview: 36.media.tumblr.com/6423aefbd773de0f8f32b2b6ee7c83d9/tumblr_inline_nza2q43ItM1tfmrr4_500.png
  50. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/h66nqj6n1ywr3d6/Sans.rar
  51. Mettaton EX
  52. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694h5
  53. http://www.mediafire.com/download/3adpha18os7yiuk/MettatonEX%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  54. Preview: http://puu.sh/lEWhf/ccb9122734.png
  55. http://www.mediafire.com/download/57k860ikq0hyk89/MTT-Brand+Shimeji.rar (Both included)
  56. Frisk:
  57. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694l0
  58. http://www.mediafire.com/download/q22o2cm7cvzg1u5/Frisk%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  59. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694oy
  60. http://www.mediafire.com/download/jc6g3nn391qxcqm/Frisk2%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  61. Preview: 40.media.tumblr.com/e62bdd8c6a56d85b44ca3127bea8d714/tumblr_inline_nyytwbADGk1tsrwyv_250.png
  62. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/f55n6iti2dc0w1c/Frisk+Shimjeji.rar (Both included)
  63. Gaster (Win 7/8/10):
  64. Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694t7
  65. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/slfs6kh95jrkbrn/GasterFixed%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Win 7/8)
  66. Preview: http://40.media.tumblr.com/57fc86cd27e2f52cc107087d9bf0fa50/tumblr_nyo733GgKx1s6qim3o1_250.png
  67. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/cxc8ecmccdcvojn/Gaster2%28Both%29.zip (Both included)
  68. - http://www.mediafire.com/download/3h8xb1nf7bz1gqy/PreCoreGaster.zip (Both included)
  69. Chara (Win 7/8):
  70. http://www.mediafire.com/download/c54z3tcf1b8hken/Chara%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Black eyed and red eyed version)
  71. Flowey:
  72. Preview: http://i.imgur.com/BOqFfE7.png
  73. http://www.mediafire.com/download/k7gqye2miq8q86m/FloweyFixed%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Version with knife and without)
  74. Preview: http://imgur.com/oxgmzR8.png
  75. http://www.mediafire.com/download/wcs4pwyfedj7sx8/Flowey%232%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  76. Papyrus (Win 7/8):
  77. http://www.mediafire.com/download/lxptc9aba4a8znd/Papyrus+by+Michiroon%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  78. Toriel (Win 7/8):
  79. Preview: http://orig10.deviantart.net/66b9/f/2015/328/e/8/8504bf2fabc3792a243a97b6c20d3a8a_by_tremendous_by_design-d9hxjil.gif
  80. http://www.mediafire.com/download/vuae02a19g7td1c/Toriel%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
  81. Undyne (Win 7/8):
  82. http://www.mediafire.com/download/g8ifbla574ablsb/Undyne.rar (Both included)
  83. Temmie (Win 7/8):
  84. http://www.mediafire.com/download/95aula9bo1kob4b/Temmie.rar (Both included)
  85. Mettaton (Box) (Win 7/8, Mac):
  86. http://www.mediafire.com/download/h76v2cb4z9lzh16/BoxMettaton.rar (Both Included)
  87. Muffet (Win 7/8):
  88. http://www.mediafire.com/download/yxuj56uk4gdkoeu/Muffet.rar (Both included)
  89. Grillby (Win 7/8):
  90. http://www.mediafire.com/download/0lhvqsao0svnr8c/Grillby_PC.zip
  91. Asgore (Win 7/8):
  92. http://www.mediafire.com/download/vjtjwoy4wwweo4g/Asgore.rar (Both included)
  93. Mad Dummy (Win 7/8):
  94. Preview: http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/image/136275844581
  95. http://www.mediafire.com/download/hn58oxbtcwafbla/mad+dummy+shimeji.rar (Both included)
  96. Shimejis in Development:
  97. Mettaton EX:
  98. http://marionecto.tumblr.com/post/133853749629/and-here-we-go-49-of-53-frames-but-i-suppose (EST Completion Date: 12/25/15)
  99. http://mettatons-of-puns.tumblr.com/post/132837683630/mettaton-chibi-im-actually-trying-to-turn-this (EST Completion Date: Unknown)
  100. Mettaton NEO:
  101. http://marionecto.tumblr.com/post/133854036554/next-project-mettaton-neo-shimeji (EST Completion Date: 12/25/15)
  102. Tutorials:
  103. How to Alter a Shimeji's Behaviors: http://pastebin.com/9y5kv7dq
  104. How to Change a Shimeji's Walking Speed and Cycle Speed: http://pastebin.com/XZ9wvsYL
  105. Shimeji-ee '/conf' Tutorial (In depth guide on action and behavior.xml files): http://pastebin.com/8xAHiRkQ


Archived from on 22 April 2012. Socks client download. The most similar Pluggable Transport to Shadowsocks is Obfs3.See also. Unlike Obfs4, Shadowsocks is not resistant to.



My gift to you guys, tonight! A Snake!England Shimeji! He’s not perfect, but I’m happy with him and ready to share you with him!


Installation Instructions:

Once downloaded, open the file that is labeled conf and find the two files named 42.4 and 9.91

Rename 42.4 to 動作

Rename 9.91 to 行動

Shimeji-ee (Big thanks to Flusterbob!)

This one gave me the most trouble to work, to be honest. we spent a good hour trying to work it. Finally, however we got it to work. This particular Shimeji has an English Tool Bar and more option, such as a ‘kuro’ version of him (he’s a meanie) I cannot guarantee this one will work perfectly!

Flusterbob’s Version

Owyn’s Version

For my version you’ll need to open up the File and open the Windows Batch File (named Shimeji-ee) and past this into it:

start Quiet.exe “C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava” -classpath Shimeji-ee.jar -Xmx1000m com.group_finity.mascot.Main -Djava.util.logging.config.file=./conf/logging.properties

Unfortunately, you’ll need to enter this every time in order for him to work, but it’s worth it! I’ve included this in the filed named Owyn’s Notes

For additional Shimeji-ee help, refer to this journal here!

Your little snake buddy with be ready for fun immediately after following these instructions! Have fun with him! And be careful, he likes to run off with browsers!


It has come to my attention that Shimeji will not work properly on your computers. Please refer to this tutorial to have your shimeiji work! For the Shimeiji-ee, I cannot find any Mac Versions, but if you do, please share!

Now New and Improved downloading! I cannot make a .rar file, but if someone can do it tell me and I’ll add it here!

Charm-box Blog On Deviantart Shimeji For Mac В© 2020